Go from PERI-miserable to PERI-smashing in as little as a month…
Only you know your body best. If you’re in your thirties (or beyond!) and have been told you’re too young to be in Perimenopause or that your labs are fine, yet you are left to wrestle with anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, disrupted sleep, weight-gain, night sweats, inner ear itching, irritability and fits of rage… I’m glad you’re here 💜

I’m Dr. LeB
What I Offer
My Private Group
I’ve curated a select group of women are absolutely READY to take action but need workshops, masterclasses and my direction to reclaim their sleep, energy and vitality.
Daily Essentials for Balanced Hormones
Your step-by-step guide to boosting energy and mental clarity while reaching your healthiest weight.
Custom Lab Panels
Latest Articles
Your Guide to Navigating Supplements During Perimenopause
I get asked about supplements a LOT. And the truth of it is through twenty years of trial and error combined with ten years of functional medicine training and application have I arrived at a combo that is perfect for me. No one’s diet is perfect 24/7, 365 days so a...
Lymphatic Drainage (Drain in Perimenopause) – Top 10 Ways
This depuff, drain (lymphatic drainage) and regulate series is the perfect primer for SMASHING perimenopause symptoms by optimizing your hormone balance! If you’re over the age of thirty and/or in Perimenopause, consider stacking these three habits and creating a...
Dr LeB’s Top 10 Ways to Depuff aka Reduce Inflammation
If you’re over the age of thirty and/or in Perimenopause, consider stacking these three habits and creating a little “variety pack” (laugh) for yourself that will lower inflammation (depuff), balance your stress hormone cortisol and regulate your nervous system. Today...