Clean beauty is all the rage and let me tell you, I’m here for it! Do you have hormonal imbalances? I’m sure you’ve explored a range of solutions to address it. From medication to diet changes, it’s easy to lose sight of the potential impact, even with something as insignificant as using conventional beauty products. But is it insignificant? Maybe not! Wouldn’t it be great if you knew that your daily makeup routine wasn’t working against your body’s natural processes? Enter clean beauty! Clean beauty encourages conscious consumerism and health that I am 100% FOR.

Hormone Imbalances

First, let’s talk about why hormone imbalances happen in the first place. Our endocrine system produces hormones. These are responsible for regulating everything from metabolism to our reproductive system. But, chemicals found in conventional beauty products can mimic these hormones. This confuses our bodies and interferes with natural processes. Parabens, phthalates, and bisphenols, widely found in beauty products, are all estrogen-mimicking chemicals. These all lead to imbalances.

Risks of Heavy Metals

On top of these risks, the beauty industry is loosely regulated. This means companies can sneak in ingredients that are harmful to our health. For example, heavy metals like lead and aluminum can be in beauty products. When these ingredients accumulate in your body over time, they can cause detrimental health issues. Maybe without you even realizing it! With no government regulation, it’s up to YOU to take control of the products you put on your skin.

Long-term Benefits

The most significant benefit of switching to clean beauty is the impact long term on your health. You’ll be reducing your body’s exposure to toxins. What better reason to go clean? In the long run this could mean:
  • Fewer headaches
  • Healthier hair
  • Healthier skin
  • Healthier nails
  • Most importantly – fewer hormonal imbalances, swelling, irritations, or allergic reactions.


As if looking out for our health wasn’t reason enough to switch to clean beauty, there’s more. It’s worth noting that eco-friendliness is also a significant factor in this movement. By purchasing beauty products consciously, you help! You can reduce your overall environmental impact. That’s a win for everyone. Sustainable, clean beauty brands:

  • Source their ingredients responsibly
  • Use recyclable and biodegradable packaging
  • Avoid environmentally damaging ingredients like petroleum and palm oil


Clean beauty is becoming increasingly accessible and affordable. Meaning, there are many ways to switch without breaking the bank. Try ingredient-conscious drugstore brands if you need to when starting out. Find what works for you! But let’s face it – when you consider the potential benefits to your health, the price tag seems insignificant.

Check out the evidence-based research.

My go-tos for clean beauty

  1. Glo Skin Beauty Vit-C Moisturizing tint in 5W
  2. Tartlette mascara
  3. 100% Pure Cosmetics lip and cheek tint in cranberry
  4. Tarte Glow Wand in dream
  5. Glo Skin Beauty cream blush in First Love
  6. Tarte Marajuca Glossy Lip Oil

Don’t forget to explore more of my blog posts and reach out if you have any questions!